Made by cigar lovers,
for cigar lovers.

In-depth information on cigars for beginners and long-time smokers.

Your guide to the world of cigars

A Website Brought To You
By Cigar & Whiskey Lovers.

We provide cigar lovers with information on the world of cigars and we’re cigar enthusiasts ourselves. Cigars are meant for enjoyment, not just smoking, so enjoy your time on our blog as you learn more about cigars!

Beginner's Corner

Hey fellow amigos..

Justin here! I’m a cigar aficionado and I spend most of my days working behind a desk, but when I get home, I love nothing more than sitting on the porch with one of life’s greatest pleasures: A good cigar.

I founded Cigar Amigo with the aim to share my passion for cigars with fellow cigar lovers worldwide.