Top 9 Best Cigars for the Money in 2024

Updated: 2024

Imagine a world where you can indulge in the finest cigars without breaking the bank.

Welcome to my list of the best cigars for the money in 2024. 

My pick is the Perdomo Habano Connecticut – a true luxury cigar that won’t break the bank.

Here are the top 9 best value cigars I rate in 2024.

Picture of Justin

Cigar Enthusiast


Perdomo Habano Connecticut

  • Smooth flavorful smoke
  • Wrapped with delicate Connecticut Shade leaf
  • natural sweetness

Its well-constructed nature ensures an even burn and a satisfying smoking experience.

Montecristo No. 2

  • Smooth draw
  • Rich creamy flavor
  • Light golden-brown wrapper

Montecristo No. 3

  • Cedar, nuts, spice notes
  • Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco blend
  • Medium brown wrapper
Top 9 Best Cigars for the Money

Perdomo Habano Connecticut (My Top Choice)

The Perdomo Habano Connecticut is one of the premium cigars that combined the best of both worlds: affordability and quality.

This blend of Cuban-seed tobacco is wrapped with a delicate Connecticut Shade leaf, providing a smooth and flavorful smoke.

The cigar boasts a medium-bodied profile, offering a delightful mix of creamy, toasty, and smooth notes with a natural sweetness. Its well-constructed nature ensures an even burn and a satisfying smoking experience.

Montecristo No. 2

Renowned as one of the finest Cuban father cigars, the Montecristo No. 2 is a true luxury cigar that won’t break the bank.

Meticulously crafted in the Dominican Republic, this medium-bodied cigar offers a smooth draw and a rich, creamy flavor. The pointed tip and light, golden-brown wrapper add to the allure of this exquisite smoke.

With a price range of $20 to $30 per cigar, the Montecristo No. 2 is an accessible choice for those seeking a luxurious smoking experience.

Montecristo No. 3

The Montecristo No. 3 is another excellent option for those seeking a premium cigar at an affordable price.

This Corona format cigar features a medium to high strength, with a light to medium brown wrapper and a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos.

The flavor profile is characterized by notes of cedar, nuts, and spice.

With cigar prices range of $7 to $10 per cigar, this highly acclaimed smoke offers both quality and affordability.

Liga Privada No. 9

If rarity and exclusivity pique your interest, the Liga Privada No. 9 is a must-try.

Produced in limited quantities and not widely available, this full-bodied, full-flavored cigar features a dark Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper.

The rich flavors of earth, leather, and spice are wonderfully complemented by the sweet and smoky wrapper, making this cigar a unique and enjoyable experience.

Nub Connecticut

The Nub Connecticut is an ideal choice for those seeking a mild, yet flavorful cigar.

With its toasty and woody flavor profile, this cigar offers a pleasant and satisfying smoke for both beginners and seasoned aficionados.

The Nub Connecticut’s well-constructed nature ensures a consistent burn and an enjoyable smoking experience.

Rocky Patel American Market Selection

The Rocky Patel American Market Selection is another excellent option for those seeking an affordable, yet premium cigar.

This selection offers notes of creamy sweet cedar, earth, nuts, and spice, providing a well-rounded and enjoyable smoke.

Its quality construction and even burn make it a reliable choice for any cigar enthusiast.

La Floridita

The La Floridita cigar is a hidden gem in the world of affordable cigars.

With a flavor profile of cream, leather, earth, and sweet wood, this cigar offers a unique and enjoyable smoking experience.

Its well-constructed nature and consistent burn make it a reliable choice for those seeking an affordable, yet enjoyable cigar.

Gran Habano #1 Connecticut

The Gran Habano #1 Connecticut is a perfect example of a cigar that combines affordability with quality.

This cigar features a creamy, toasty, and smooth flavor profile highlighted by a natural sweetness, making it an enjoyable smoke for both beginners and seasoned aficionados.

Its well-constructed nature ensures a consistent burn and a satisfying smoking experience.

Don Tomas Special Edition

The Don Tomas Special Edition cigar is an excellent choice for those seeking an affordable, yet premium cigar experience.

This cigar offers a toasty and creamy mellow-to-medium-bodied smoke, perfect for those looking for a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience.

Its well-constructed nature and consistent burn make it a reliable choice for any cigar enthusiast.

Ranking Methodology

In order to provide you with the most accurate and reliable list of the best value cigars, I have employed a comprehensive ranking methodology.

This includes a scoring system based on the 100-point ranking system and the Bespoke Unit Cigar Formula, which takes into account factors such as appearance, construction, flavor, and overall impression.

Additionally, expert reviews and opinions, as well as consumer feedback, have been taken into consideration to ensure the cigars included in this list truly represent the best value for money.


Expert Reviews and Opinions

Expert reviews and opinions play a crucial role in our ranking methodology, as they provide personalized, independent, and accurate recommendations to help identify cigars that may be enjoyed by both novices and aficionados alike.

We have consulted leading cigar industry professionals and carefully examined the ratings and reviews of each cigar to ensure the cigars included in this list truly represent the best value for money.


Consumer Feedback

Consumer feedback is invaluable in our ranking methodology, as it provides real-world insights into the quality, taste, and overall experience of each cigar. 

Cigars with high ratings from consumers, such as the Cohiba Robusto, Montecristo No. 2, and Padron 1964 Anniversary Series, are highly sought after by retailers and consumers alike.

By incorporating consumer feedback into our ranking methodology, we have been able to identify the best value cigars that truly resonate with cigar lovers around the world.


Tips for Buying and Storing Affordable Cigars

Now that you have discovered the top 9 best value cigars, it’s essential to know how to buy and store these affordable cigars properly.

In this section, we will provide you with helpful advice for purchasing and storing affordable cigars, ensuring that you can enjoy these exquisite smokes at their finest.


Online Shopping Tips

When shopping online for cigars, it’s important to seek out reputable retailers with positive reviews.

Carefully examine the product descriptions and review the return policy, as this will give you a better understanding of the quality and condition of the cigars you’re considering.

Additionally, ensure that the cigars are stored in a humidor and shipped promptly to maintain their freshness. By following these online shopping tips, you’ll be well on your way to finding the best value cigars for your money.


Storage Solutions for Budget Cigars

Proper storage is crucial for maintaining the quality and freshness of your cigars.

For budget cigars, it’s important to store them in a cool, dry place. Refrigerators and freezers are not recommended, as they can cause the cigars to become dry.

An investment in a humidor may be beneficial in order to keep the cigars fresh and ensure they are stored at the optimal humidity and temperature. Alternative cost-effective storage solutions, such as Tupperdors or Boveda bags, can also be considered.


Maintaining Cigar Freshness

To ensure your cigars remain fresh and flavorful, it’s crucial to maintain a consistent humidity and temperature when storing them.

Humidors, along with humistats and hygrometers, can help you achieve this by monitoring and maintaining the optimal conditions for your cigars.

It’s also important to avoid exposing the cigars to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures, as this can negatively affect their quality. By following these tips, you can ensure that your cigars remain fresh and enjoyable for years to come.