The Ultimate Guide for Cigar Sizing
People have been enjoying different styles of cigars for centuries. In the early 1900s, thick and buldgy stogies were in demand. Corona shaped cigars were
People have been enjoying different styles of cigars for centuries. In the early 1900s, thick and buldgy stogies were in demand. Corona shaped cigars were
While pros make it look effortless, cutting a cigar the right way isn’t terribly easy for beginners. That said, the process becomes second-nature once you
There are many reasons why people smoke cigars. Some enjoy the taste, while others appreciate the social aspects of smoking cigars. But what is the
Cuban cigars are famed for their delicious flavors, high-quality tobacco, and exclusivity. Cigar smokers around the world love getting their hands on premium Cuban cigars
Keeping cigars fresh is both a science and an artform. A seasoned cigar aficionado understands the importance of prolonging the freshness of premium cigars, so
Cuban cigars are considered the “filet mignon” of stogies. They’re expensive, delicious, and are tough to get your hands on (if you’re American). To expand
Most people aren’t huge fans of bugs. It’s especially true if they are infiltrating your precious cigar collection. Cigar beetles (also known as tobacco beetles
Cigars and wood go together like peas and carrots. As you may be aware, a cigar humidor is a sealed container designed to keep your
Any seasoned cigar lover typically has dozens of empty boxes after adding stogies to their collection. While some people use old cigar boxes to store
When people think of cigars, they usually think of Al Capone, Cuba, or luxury cigar lounges. However, there’s an entire world of gas station cigars
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