How To Hold A Cigar The Proper Way
Smoking a cigar properly is considered an artform. From cutting it to firing up your lighter, every step is vital for the cigar smoking experience.
Smoking a cigar properly is considered an artform. From cutting it to firing up your lighter, every step is vital for the cigar smoking experience.
Around 100 million people worldwide smoke cigars regularly. The type of cigars range from dirt cheap cigarillos to premium cigars that cost more than the
There’s just something classy about smoking, especially if you hold your cigarette a certain way. While many people may not be aware of it, the
Fewer things in life are worse than reaching into your cigar collection only to find the cigars inside are completely dried out, especially if you’ve
Any seasoned cigar lover understands that maintaining a cigar collection takes time and patience. There’s more to enjoying a stogie than cutting and lighting it.
Few things in life get better with age. Thankfully, cigars are one of them. Like some liquor and wine, your cigars will get better with
Cuban cigars (sometimes just called “Cubans”) are known worldwide as being some of the best. However, for years, US cigar aficionados had a tough time
Cigar connoisseurs will go to the end of the earth to keep their cigars fresh. It makes sense considering numerous cigar enthusiasts spend a fortune
Have you ever accidentally ashed your cigarette or cigar onto a plant and felt a bit guilty? After all, we constantly hear how smoking is
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