The Ultimate Guide for Cigar Sizing

Picture of Justin R.
Justin R.

Cigar Enthusiast, Chief Editor

Cigaramigo cigar size chart
Table of Contents

People have been enjoying different styles of cigars for centuries. In the early 1900s, thick and buldgy stogies were in demand. Corona shaped cigars were the craze during the roaring 1920s. Slimmer and longer cigars started to take over in the 1960s. 

Today, you can find premium cigars in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Cigar Amigo had dug deep into cigar sizing to help our readers better understand the diversity of stogies.

Continue reading below to view the cigar size chart and more information on cigar sizing.

Cigar Size Chart

Fine-grade cigars come in dozens of lengths and widths, each offering a unique smoking experience. Different cigar shapes and sizes can impact how well the cigar burns, tastes, and feels for the cigar lover.

Take a look at the different cigar sizes below for a closer look.

cigar size chart

 You can see that some cigars are longer, shorter, thicker, and thinner. The cigar ring gauges and cigar shapes can also be different, which can impact the taste and smoke density.

We’ll dive more into each cigar type below.

Cigar Sizing

Cigar Sizing

Cigars are made up of three main components: wrapper, binder leaf, and filler tobaccos. The wrapper is the outer layer of the cigar that you hold and place in your mouth. Binder leaves help maintain the cigar shape, and the filler is made from crushed tobacco.

How Are Cigars Measured

sizing and measuring a cigar

Cigar sizes are typically measured in inches. You may find some cigars contain metric measurements, but they usually all start off using inches since it’s an easier system. The most common cigar sizes are 4,5,6, and 6.5 inches long.

Manufacturers will commonly use a special type of measuring tape to accurately measure and cut their cigars. The tape can help measure the width, length and ring gauge with ease and precision.

What Do the Sizes of Cigars Mean?

sizes of cigars and it's meaning

Every brand offers different cigar sizes. As a result, you need to understand what all the cigar shapes and sizes mean. In short, cigar measurements come in length (inches) and ring gauge (diameter). Note that ring gauges are measured using 64ths of an inch. For example, a cigar might have a ring gauge of 42\64ths of an inch.

While cigar shapes and sizes can make a difference, it doesn’t necessarily impact the cigar’s strength. A longer cigar using the same tobacco as a short one won’t be stronger. However, a thinner cigar will burn much faster than a thick one.

Cigar taste can vary greatly from brand to brand. For example, long cigars from Romeo y Julieta may have a stronger taste than a San Cristobal.

Types of Cigars Sizes

different types of cigar sizes

There are two basic categories of stogies cigar lovers can choose from: parejos and figurados.

  • Parejos. Parejos are by far the most common shape you’ll find. Most cigars sold at shops are parejos, and for good reasons. These stogies are straight-sided, and have an open foot you need to cut before lighting. You may find some parejos that are square shaped due to being box pressed.
  • Figurados. While parejos are more popular, many shops are starting to offer figurados to expand the diversity of their inventory. Figurado stogies have a cone shaped end, and come in a wide range of popular sizes and flavors. The tapered head is sought after since it allows the stogie to rest easily in the mouth.

Each category has a wide range of styles, shapes and sizes (see below).

Different Sizes Of Cigars

Different Sizes Of Cigars

Here’s a breakdown of all the most popular cigar sizes. Note that size and shape can vary depending on the brand.

Cigarillo Size

Cigarillo Size

Cigarillos are the smallest types of cigars you can get your hands on. Although they look similar to cigarettes, their tobacco leaf wrapper is what makes them different. Moreover, cigarillos typically don’t contain a filter.

Most cigarillos have roughly 3 grams of tobacco, and are around 3-4 inches long. With a short length and ring gauge, they tend to burn hotter and relatively quicker than normal cigars.

Panatela Cigar Size

Panatela Cigar Size

Panatela cigars are famous for their long length and thin shape. The average length is between 5-7.5 inches, and typically have a ring gauge of 32\64ths. Meanwhile, pantelas are flat footed, and have an even shape throughout the body.

Since they are quite thin, most manufacturers still make them by hand using a delicate process. The wrapper leaves can break easily if not handled with care.

Corona Cigar Size

Corona Cigar Size

The corona cigar size is the basis to which all other cigars are measured. Most corona cigars will have a length of 5.5-6 inches and a ring gauge of roughly 42/64ths. The reason the corona is the preference point for other cigar shapes, sizes, and flavor is because the size offers the perfect ratio for each layer. Coronas use less filler tobacco, so the majority of the taste goes into the wrapper leaf.

Corona cigars also have a few variations:

  • Petit Corona. Petit coronas are the smaller versions, with a length of about 4.5 inches and a 38/64ths ring gauge. These stogies are typically packed with flavor, and are extremely enjoyable.
  • Double Corona. The double corona is the larger variety, with a whopping length of 7.5-8 inches. They also have a wonderful flavor profile and are smoked worldwide. 
  • Corona Gorda. Gorda is Spanish for “fat”, so it should give you an idea of the size of these stogies. They are generally thicker and packed with more tobacco than other coronas.

Robusto Cigar Size

Robusto Cigar Size

Robusto stogies are similar to coronas in shape, but usually have much thicker ring gauges. You’ll usually find a Robusto that’s 5 inches long with a ring gauge of 50/64ths. Even with greater thickness, Robustos have a smooth flavor and are incredibly fun to smoke.

Churchill Cigar Size

Churchill Cigar Size

Churchills are generally larger than standard coronas, being 7 inches long and ring gauge of 47. Named after the famous stogie lover Winston Churchill, you can now find several popular items under the same name. The Romeo Y Julieta Churchill is one of the most popular varieties.   

Best Cigar Size

See if this sounds familiar to you. You gaze your eyes upon a beautiful box of stogies, all with different shapes and sizes. You find yourself confused because you don’t know which one to light up. If so, you’re not alone. It can be challenging to find the perfect stogie size for smoking.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the most popular cigar shapes, sizes, and styles to help you make the right decision.

The most popular cigar size has to be Robusta. They are generally thick, but still burn relatively quickly. Robustas are also known for their rich taste and flavorful wrappers.

What Is the Most Common Cigar Size?

Coronas are the most common stogie style, since most other types base their ring size and measurements around them. Most of the flavor comes from the wrapper, and the tobacco gives that punch most smokers are after.

How Do You Know What Size Cigar To Get?

The size of the stogie you choose depends on personal preference. The size will determine how the stogie tastes and the duration of which it burns.

For example:

  • Double corona stogies will usually burn for 60-90 minutes after you light it.
  • True Torpedo stogies generally last for 60-75 minutes.
  • Robusto stogies burn for about 45 minutes
  • Corona sized stogies last anywhere from 30-45 minutes.

You can use this information the next time you want to light up a stogie. If you’re in a rush, you may want to go with a thinner size. If you don’t mind spending some time with your cigar, you can opt for one more on the thicker side.

What About Color?

different cigar colors

Now that you understand the different stogie sizes, let’s take some time to review wrapper colors. In short, the color indicates the amount of oxidation and fermentation the wrapper went through. A darker wrapper is usually an indicator of stronger flavors.

Here’s a quick breakdown of common wrapper colors, and what they mean:

Double Claro

Double claro stogies usually have a much faster drying time, which gives the wrapper its greenish appearance. You used to be able to find these stogies everywhere, but have recently become a rare commodity.

Colorado Claro

Colorado claro stogies are typically dried out and aged longer in production, giving them their distinctive reddish hue. Not only does this process make them softer, but it also gives Colorado claros a more fruity aftertaste.

Double Maduro

These are the darkest stogies you can get your hands on. The wrapper is basically dark black since the tobacco has matured fully. Double maduro stogies extremely popular throughout Mexico.

Colorado Maduro

Colorado maduros is the starting point of dark stogies. They have an extremely dark red appearance due to the prolonged aging and fermentation process. These stogies often have a unique aroma and taste that’s instantly recognizable by true aficionados.


Understanding the different stogie sizes can be a bit much at first. However, learning how to choose the right sized cigar will greatly enhance your smoking experience. Consider how long you plan on smoking so you can choose the right thickness. Moreover, don’t forget about color. Light wrappers tend to have less pungent aromas where darker wrappers are usually packed with outstanding flavor.